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Darshan Lab: Theoretical & Computational Neuroscience

We utilize a wide range of tools and concepts from various fields, such as statistical mechanics, dynamical systems theory, machine learning and control theory in our quest to understand how cognitive abilities emerge from collective neural activity and how such activity evolves during the learning process. 

Recent technological advances have produced a wealth of data across a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, shedding light on the neural circuits that underlie complex brain functions. Thanks to these new technologies, we find ourselves in an exciting era of theoretical and computational neuroscience: Theories can be rigorously tested, data can be explained quantitively using computational tools, and predictions, based on theoretical principles, can be made.

Nonetheless, we now face the challenge of transcending traditional theoretical neuroscience, which has often focused on models of simplified architectures generating homogeneous neural activity, and develop novel models and theories capable of accounting for the complex architectures and and intricate neural activities unveiled by modern experimental neuroscience.


The focus of the research in the lab is in uncovering the organizational principles that govern neuron connectivity (structure) and their impact on neural activity (dynamics), as well as investigating how learning shapes the brain's structure and dynamics to adapt and generate complex behaviors. By combining theoretical insights, data-driven modeling and close collaboration with experimentalists, we aim to develop new theories and models of brain circuits, with the goal of achieving a mechanistic understanding of circuits underlying cognitive brain functions. 

Latest Publications

Our latest publication investigates the network mechanisms behind the spread of task-related activity in local circuits. We use theoretical models and data analysis to study the hypothesis that a small subset of neurons in the cortex actively engages in learning tasks, while the rest of the neurons are driven through pre-existing synaptic pathways

Spread of information in local cortical circuits

subset learning
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